
Shop : Details

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6995-2
176 Seiten
86 Abbildungen
261 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Oktober 2019
Mathias Paschen, Adnan Tokaç (eds.)
Contributions on the Theory of Fishing Gears and Related Marine Systems Vol. 11
This book presents the proceedings of the 14th International Workshop Methods for the Development and Evaluation of Maritime Technologies – DEMaT, held in Izmir, Turkey in November 2019.

The DEMaT – workshop has a 26-year history since the first workshop held in 1993. The basis of the DEMaT workshops is the voluntary community of mainly European and Asian scientists and engineers who are primarily active in different fields of ocean engineering.

The central goals of these workshops are the presentation and discussion of new methods for creation, scientific validation and dissemination of knowledge-based engineering methods as a prerequisite for sustainable development and innovation of maritime technologies in global context. The distinctive feature of these workshops is the early integration of young scientists who get the chance for presentation of their brand new results of own research as well as for intensive intercommunication with experts from different countries.

This year's thematic focuses of the workshop are:
  • Numerical analyses of net-like structures with applications in fishery and marine aquaculture
  • Experimental investigations at sea - methods and results
  • Applications of imaging methods in fishery and marine aquaculture and
  • Modern materials and manufacturing methods for maritime technologies
The book is addressed to individuals from industry, research organisations, universities, governmental agencies and certifying authorities as well as designers, operators and owners who contribute to improved knowledge about the marine environment, fisheries and aquaculture, offshore design, marine safety and protection of the environment. Like previous workshops, the present edition of DEMaT has a wide range by including other topics of temporary interest.
Schlagwörter: hydrodynamics; Marine systems; Maritime technologies; Mathematical modelling; net-like structures; numerical analysis; hydroelasticity; marine aquaculture systems; experimental analysis; Fishing gear; computer fluid dynamics; digital image processing
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DOI 10.2370/9783844069952
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