
Shop : Details

19,90 €
ISBN 978-3-95631-965-5
232 Seiten
363 g
23 x 16 cm
Juni 2023
R. U. Kramer
MindWalking® – Unburdening Your Future
Volume II: Of extraterrestrial matters
In this vol. II of “MindWalking”, clients are seen to extend their consciousness and quite unintentionally grasp ultimate spiritual truth. A breath-taking journey through the utter reaches of the mind, yet always based on sound psychological principles. During the ongoing session, contact is made with hostile aliens, well-meaning angelic beings, even spaceship crew. Mystical insights comparable to the peak points of any spiritual tradition, open up. Only a thin veil separates us from those worlds beyond, and can be broken through to without prior dogmatic instruction or esoteric initiation.
Schlagwörter: Psychology; Reincarnation; Aliens; Spirituality; Mind-body-spirit; Out-of-body; Space ships; past lives; near-death experience; telepathy
Über den Autor:
In over 35 years of transpersonal work with clients and through private research by means of his method named “MindWalking”, the German psychologist Rolf Ulrich Kramer has put together a map of the psyche which goes way beyond the concepts of Freud and Jung, leaving virtually no spot on the “terra incognita of the mind” unexplored. Kramer has authored numerous books and scientific papers on the subject of his discoveries. He is active in Germany and also internationally with seminars and individual sessions. He has given various interviews and presentations on YouTube, see www.mindwalking.eu.
Shaker Media
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