
Shop : Details

24,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-8586-0
84 Seiten
61 Abbildungen
126 g
29,7 x 21 cm
Mai 2022
Edgar Galindo, Adelinda Candeias, Luísa Grácio, Catarina Vaz-Velho, Konrad Reschke
The program „Mastering stress optimistically“ is a fully manualized, modularized and evaluated psychological intervention program designed for the training of stress management of adults (in the age 16 to 70). The book has a theoretical and practical part. In the theory chapters the basic ideas of the stress conception of the authors of the German original book (Reschke & Schröder, 2000) are outlined. The practical chapters include all instructions, materials and additional information for the ten modules which can be used to analyze the personal stress level and to improve the coping resources to cope with stress. The Portuguese form of the program can be used in different applications: individual stress counseling, group prevention approach or short time stress management. The authors recommend the program for a systematic approach for stressmanagment in different target groups like teachers, leaders and all people who are suffering from stress and stress-related symptoms.
References: Reschke, K. & Schröder, H. (2000). Optimistisch den Stress meistern. Tübingen: DGVT Verlag.
O stresse é um problema de saúde que afeta grande parte da população nas sociedades industriais modernas (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, 2013).
O objetivo deste livro é proporcionar aos profissionais das ciências da saúde um instrumento prático, simples e eficaz para ensinar as pessoas a reconhecer as fontes do stresse, a lidar com as situações stressantes, e a aliviar os seus problemas de stresse. O programa está baseado na psicologia cognitivo-comportamental mas toma en conta outras fontes:
• A psicologia da orientação a recursos e soluções (de Shazer e Dolan, 2007).
• A psicologia da regulação das emoções (Glasenapp, 2013).
• A estabilização da identidade pessoal (Keupp,1995)
Schlagwörter: Stresse; stressmanagement; Stress
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DOI 10.2370/9783844085860
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