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48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-5932-8
188 Seiten
150 Abbildungen
260 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Mai 2018
Trong Hoa Pham
Analysis of the Ring Gear Orbit, Misalignment, and Stability Phenomenon for Internal Gear Motors and Pumps
Since the internal gear motor/pump is used widely in many applications because it is simple, economical, and easy assembly. Analysis of the classical issues relating to its dynamic behavior is therefore necessary. This is the basis for improving the performance of the internal gear motor/pump. This study will contribute to advance the understanding of the dynamic behavior of the internal gear of the motor/pump under varying operating pressure and rotational speed. The micro-movement of the ring gear inside the housing of the internal gear motor and pump is firstly investigated. Experiments bring us the overall view of the ring gear movement inside its housing as well as the changing of the radial and the axial film thickness under various working conditions. Some interesting phenomena such as a forward and backward whirling motion and the backward motion of the ring gear center against the motor speed under low speed values have been observed experimentally. Moreover, overall operating areas corresponding to varying operating pressure and speed for 4-quadrant operations are defined. The analytical mobility method with some modification could be used for the internal gear motor/pump to predict the movement of the ring gear as well as the minimum radial film thickness. The effects of the misaligned ring gear on the performance of the internal gear motor/pump are analyzed. Some other topics relating to the internal gear motor/pump are also introduced in this study; e.g. the pressure distribution for the hydrodynamic/static/hybrid lubricant or the stability phenomenon of the internal gear motor/pump.

Prediction of the orbit of the ring gear is fundamental issue. However, it is not easy. By mean of modification mobility method gives the designers an easy tool with enough reliable and very quickly to get the first-order assessment dynamic behavior of the internal gear motor/pump without necessary to establish a complex model and program. Thereby, the instability threshold is found and the lower speed limit is also determined. It provides us an easy and quick tool to check the effect of geometry and working parameters on stability of the internal gear motor/pump at the early design stage without taking the time and cost to do experiment.
Schlagwörter: Internal gear motor/pump; Orbit; Ring Gear; Stability; Mobility method
Fluidmechatronische Systeme
Herausgegeben von Dresdner Verein zur Förderung der Fluidtechnik e.V., Dresden
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