As the world shifts towards a decentralized energy system with lower CO2 emissions, primarily powered by renewable sources, there is a pressing need to ...
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U regiji Zapadnog Balkana, socijalni dijalog karakteriziraju dalekosežni društveni, politički, ekonomski i drugi prevrati te se provodi pred pozadinom ...
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Dans la région des Balkans occidentaux, le dialogue social est marqué par de profonds bouleversements sociétaux, politiques, économiques et sociaux dans ...
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Në rajonin e Ballkanit Perëndimor dialogu social karakterizohet nga ndryshime të thella shoqërore, politike, ekonomike dhe sociale dhe ndodh në sfondin ...
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A nyugat-balkáni térségben mélyreható társadalmi, politikai, gazdasági és szociális átalakulások határozzák meg a szociális párbeszédet, amely rohanó, ...
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In de Westelijke Balkan wordt de sociale dialoog gekenmerkt door diepgaande maatschappelijke, politieke, economische en sociale omwentelingen en vindt ...
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Social dialogue in the region of Western Balkans is characterised by profound upheavals – societal, political, economic and social, taking place against ...
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In der Region Westbalkan ist der soziale Dialog von tiefgreifenden gesellschaftlichen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Umbrüchen geprägt und ...
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Nella regione dei Balcani Occidentali, il dialogo sociale è caratterizzato da profondi capovolgimenti sociali, politici ed economici e si svolge sullo ...
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