
Shop : Weiterempfehlung

48,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-6941-9
166 Seiten
65 Abbildungen
222 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Oktober 2019
Hossein Sadeghi Khatibani
Large eddy simulations of phonatory aerodynamics in a 3D-FVM larynx model
Human phonation is a complex multiphysical process within the human larynx based on the interaction between the laryngeal airflow, tissues and acoustics. The restricted accessibility to this area challenges the in-vivo investigation of phonatory process, especially when aerodynamics of phonation is matter of interest. Numerical models of the larynx enable us to study more details of this process by providing deep insight into all the three participating physical fields. On the other hand, considering clinical application, for instance as decision-making in pre- and post-surgical processes and medical diagnostics of voice disorders, less progress on employing these tools has been announced till now. A numerical model should be able to provide reliable results in a short computational time with low hardware requirements to be applicable in clinical environment. Accordingly, the high computational costs of a simulation involving all aspects of phonation process have limited the numerical larynx models mostly to the phonation research. One strategy is to reduce the computationally expensive laryngeal fluid-structure interaction (FSI) to a pure flow simulation with moving boundaries of the computational domain. Following this approach in this study, a model of the laryngeal aerodynamics has been developed to evaluate the potentials of the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) both in voice research and clinical operation.
Schlagwörter: Human phonation; Numerical larynx model; Glottal aerodynamics
Kommunikationsstörungen - Berichte aus Phoniatrie und Pädaudiologie
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Döllinger und Reihe begründet 1996 von Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Eysholdt, Erlangen-Nürnberg
Band 28
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