The well-known fast Fourier transform (FFT) is one of the most important and widely used algorithms in a multitude of disciplines including engineering, ...
The well-known fast Fourier transform (FFT) is one of the most important and widely used algorithms in a multitude of disciplines including engineering, ...
Elementary Number Theory, Algebra, and Linear Algebra
Representations of Codons and the Protein Code
Differential Geometry of Space Curves and ...
Elementary Number Theory, Algebra, and Linear Algebra
Representations of Codons and the Protein Code
Differential Geometry of Space Curves and ...
In this thesis we introduce infinite dimensional port-Hamiltonian formulations of a model library based on the compressible non-isothermal Euler equations ...
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Dieses Buch besteht aus zwei Teilen, den Ergänzungen zur Fermat Vermutung [KrIIIc] und der Elementarmathematik für die Schulklassen 1 bis 4 zum Vorlesen ...
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In the following thesis we consider two different models known from fluid dynamics which are based on Navier-Stokes equations.
The first model ...
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Hier werden in 5 Kapiteln nach einer Einführung und historischen Anmerkungen grundlegende charakteristische Eigenschaften der Verallgemeinerung der pythagoreischen ...
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In this thesis we deal with the problem of state estimation. The difficulty therein lies in the high dimension of the system which makes the simulation ...
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In this thesis we consider (in)stability and long-term behavior of a living fluids model, stability of a model for the heterogenous catalysis process ...
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