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Esim - European Series in Industrial Management

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Gert Zülch
Esim - European Series in Industrial Management

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Gert Zülch
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Anzeige 1 - 6 von 6 Treffer
Anzeige 1 - 6 von 6 Treffer
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Gert Zülch, Sascha Stowasser, Harinder S. Jagdev (eds.)
Human Aspects in Production Management
Proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.7 Working Conference on Human Aspects in Production Management - Volume 1

Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 2003,5
ISBN 978-3-8322-1934-5, Englisch, Paperback, 364 Seiten,
21 x 14,8 cm, 543 g, 66 Abbildungen, 49,80 €
September 2003

Gert Zülch, Sascha Stowasser, Harinder S. Jagdev (eds.)
Human Aspects in Production Management
Proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.7 Working Conference on Human Aspects in Production Management - Volume 1
Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 2003,5
ISBN 978-3-8322-1934-5, Englisch, Paperback, 364 Seiten,
21 x 14,8 cm, 543 g, 66 Abbildungen, 49,80 €
September 2003

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Gert Zülch, Sascha Stowasser, Harinder S. Jagdev (eds.)
Current Trends in Production Management
Proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.7 Working Conference on Human Aspects in Production Management - Volume 2

Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 2003,6
ISBN 978-3-8322-1935-2, Englisch, Paperback, 318 Seiten,
21 x 14,8 cm, 474 g, 56 Abbildungen, 48,80 €
September 2003

Gert Zülch, Sascha Stowasser, Harinder S. Jagdev (eds.)
Current Trends in Production Management
Proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.7 Working Conference on Human Aspects in Production Management - Volume 2
Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 2003,6
ISBN 978-3-8322-1935-2, Englisch, Paperback, 318 Seiten,
21 x 14,8 cm, 474 g, 56 Abbildungen, 48,80 €
September 2003

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Gert Zülch, Juan Luis Cano, Henri Muller(-Malek) (edts.)
Production Management Simulation Games
Planning Games for Redesign of Production Systems and Logistic Structures

Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 2001,4
ISBN 978-3-8265-8529-6, Englisch, Paperback, 194 Seiten,
20,5 x 14,5 cm, 288 g, 47,00 €
März 2001

Gert Zülch, Juan Luis Cano, Henri Muller(-Malek) (edts.)
Production Management Simulation Games
Planning Games for Redesign of Production Systems and Logistic Structures
Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 2001,4
ISBN 978-3-8265-8529-6, Englisch, Paperback, 194 Seiten,
20,5 x 14,5 cm, 288 g, 47,00 €
März 2001

auch als Online-Publikation verfügbar

Gert Zülch (edts.), Andreas Rinn (edts.)
Design and Application of Simulation Games in Industry and Services
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Simulation Games in Production Management

Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 2000,3
ISBN 978-3-8265-7388-0, Englisch, Paperback, 260 Seiten,
20,5 x 14,5 cm, 387 g, 49,00 €
Mai 2000

Gert Zülch (edts.), Andreas Rinn (edts.)
Design and Application of Simulation Games in Industry and Services
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Simulation Games in Production Management
Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 2000,3
ISBN 978-3-8265-7388-0, Englisch, Paperback, 260 Seiten,
20,5 x 14,5 cm, 387 g, 49,00 €
Mai 2000

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Henri Muller(-Malek), Yuri Merkuryev, Irena Silinevicha, Gert Zülch (edts.)
Cases in Industrial Logistics Management
Supported by the European TEMPUS Programme

Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 99,2
ISBN 978-3-8265-6369-0, Englisch, Paperback, 322 Seiten,
20,5 x 14,5 cm, 480 g, 54,50 €
August 1999

Henri Muller(-Malek), Yuri Merkuryev, Irena Silinevicha, Gert Zülch (edts.)
Cases in Industrial Logistics Management
Supported by the European TEMPUS Programme
Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 99,2
ISBN 978-3-8265-6369-0, Englisch, Paperback, 322 Seiten,
20,5 x 14,5 cm, 480 g, 54,50 €
August 1999

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Prof. Gert Zülch, Guy Doumeingts, u.a.
A Methodology for Re-engineering and Information Technology Implementation

Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 99,1
ISBN 978-3-8265-4885-7, Englisch, Paperback, 176 Seiten,
20,5 x 14,5 cm, 260 g, 88 Abbildungen, 47,00 €
März 1999

Prof. Gert Zülch, Guy Doumeingts, u.a.
A Methodology for Re-engineering and Information Technology Implementation
Esim - European Series in Industrial Management
Band: 99,1
ISBN 978-3-8265-4885-7, Englisch, Paperback, 176 Seiten,
20,5 x 14,5 cm, 260 g, 88 Abbildungen, 47,00 €
März 1999

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