
Shop : Details

28,00 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-4456-0
176 Seiten
7 Abbildungen
243 g
21 x 14,8 cm
Juni 2016
Nina Hagemann
Understanding institutional persistence in Ukrainian water service provision sector
After independence in 1991, Ukraine has undergone a transition process, including the reorganization of responsibilities for water service provision. Unexperienced municipalities took over water companies. Their infrastructure had been poorly maintained and its operation had been expensive already in Soviet times. The financial and technical situation of water companies has become even worse since independence and continued to do so because required reforms were not carried out. The central question that will be answered in this book is: What are the main factors causing institutional persistence in water service provision governance in Ukraine?

The results of this study show: The challenges of water service provision governance in Ukraine are complex: Legal requirements related to the management of water facilities, in particular regarding necessary cost recovery rates, can be circumvented by municipalities without legal consequences. In the long-term, the costs of these (in)actions are to be borne by the entire Ukrainian society. Despite the obvious shortcomings, there is only little esteem for profound legal reforms, such as a specification of laws and by-laws or their effective enforcement. The main reason is that consumers, NGOs and enterprises are not well enough organized. Moreover, from the policy supply side launching and implementing reforms, such as amending laws and regulations, is often associated with high political costs for the policy-makers and authorities in the short term. This is especially true in light of the prevailing political and economic uncertainties that prevent necessary radical reforms at the moment.
Schlagwörter: Ukraine; institutions; governance; water
Institutioneller Wandel der Landwirtschaft und Ressourcennutzung - Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources
Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Volker Beckmann und Prof. Dr. Konrad Hagedorn, Greifswald und Berlin
Band 62
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