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49,80 €
ISBN 978-3-8440-2068-7
206 Seiten
47 Abbildungen
305 g
24 x 17 cm
August 2013
Stefan Gruner, Bruce Watson (eds.)
Formal Aspects of Computing
Essays dedicated to Derrick Kourie on the occasion of his 65th Birthday
Derick Kourie is one of the founding fathers of Computer Science in the Republic of South Africa. On the occasion of his 65th birthday in the year 2013, to honour his scientific and academic contributions to research and higher education, this Festschrift book has been compiled. It contains ten chapters in four parts, namely Logic, Automata, Stringology, Programming, which cover many of Derrick Kourie's own research interests in the area of Theoretical Informatics and Formal Aspects of Computing. All authors and coauthors of this Festschrift belong to Derrick Kourie's long-term scientific cooperators and academic colleagues, and all of them are experts in their related fields. The contributions are written by L. Cleophas, J.W. Daykin, A. Deza, F. Franek, J. Geldenhuys, S. Gruner, J. Gutknecht, C. Iliopoulos, S. Objedkov, S. Pissis, W.F. Smyth, B. van der Merwe, L. van Zijl, and B.W. Watson.
Schlagwörter: Logic; Automata; Stringology; Programming
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DOI 10.2370/9783844020687
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